Standard Interpretations(Archived) - Standard Number
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- 1904 - Appropriate recordkeeping for CTD case resolution and symptom recurrence. - 09/17/1991
- 1904 - Audiometric test results recording on the OSHA 200 log. - 12/16/1991
- 1904 - Clarification of "lost workday" for reporting purposes. - 05/12/1994
- 1904 - Clarification of occupational illness for OSHA 200 log. - 03/24/1994
- 1904 - Clarification of several recordkeeping issues. - 02/10/1994
- 1904 - Clarification of termination of employment for OSHA 200 log. - 07/02/1992
- 1904 - Clarifications of medical treatment and new medical cases for recordkeeping. - 09/02/1997
- 1904 - Classification of carpal tunnel syndrome cases. - 06/21/1993
- 1904 - Completing the OSHA Supplementary Record of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. - 05/12/1994
- 1904 - Conflicting medical opinions and determination of the recordability of a case. - 10/07/1996
- 1904 - Contract employees and recordkeeping requirements. - 01/05/1993
- 1904 - Counting lost workdays for temporary employees. - 09/20/1993
- 1904 - Criteria for recording on OSHA Form 200. - 02/26/1993
- 1904 - CTD cases involving positive EMG results, etc. - 07/20/1992
- 1904 - Cumulative trauma disorder (recording) on the OSHA 200 log. - 03/10/1993
- 1904 - Definition and determination of work related injuries and illnesses. - 04/18/1996
- 1904 - Definition of "establishment" for injury and illness recordkeeping. - 03/11/1992
- 1904 - Deletion of non-recordable and changed case entries from the OSHA 200 log. - 04/18/1996
- 1904 - Determining lost working days. - 02/09/1993
- 1904 - Employee's right to access the information in injury and illness records. - 10/20/1992
- 1904 - Employer exemptions to the recordkeeping requirements. - 05/03/1994
- 1904 - Employers of less than 11 employees are usually exempt from OSHA 200 log. - 11/13/1992
- 1904 - Employers should record all back cases as injuries. - 10/08/1999
- 1904 - Ergonomic problems and recordkeeping issues. - 04/08/1994
- 1904 - Exemptions from the OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping requirements. - 11/22/1994
- 1904 - Exemptions from the OSHA Injury and Illness recordkeeping requirements. - 11/03/1994
- 1904 - Framework for a Comprehensive Health and Safety Program in Nursing Homes. - 12/13/1996
- 1904 - Guidance on the proper recording of needlestick injuries on the OSHA 200 Log. - 09/20/1996
- 1904 - Hearing Conservation Amendment to the OSHA 200 log. - 06/26/1992
- 1904 - Injuries occurring to employees engaged in activities at a company picnic. - 01/23/1992
- 1904 - Injury and illness recordkeeping requirements. - 10/30/1992
- 1904 - Injury/illness at temporary duty location and recordkeeping requirement. - 04/24/1992
- 1904 - Inspection Guidance for Poultry Slaughtering and Poultry Processing Establishments - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 10/28/2015
- 1904 - Interpretation on whether an injury constituted a restriction of work activity. - 04/17/1989
- 1904 - Interpretation regarding completion of the OSHA 101 Supplementary Record. - 05/20/1996
- 1904 - Interpretation regarding the removal of a recorded case from your 1993 OSHA Log. - 06/17/1996
- 1904 - Interpretations concerning several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 08/15/1996
- 1904 - Interpretations concerning several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 07/16/1996
- 1904 - Level of work-related hearing loss that must be recorded on the OSHA 200 log. - 11/14/1991
- 1904 - Location and maintenance of OSHA injury and illness records. - 09/10/1993
- 1904 - Longshore and Harborworkers Act and OSHA recordkeeping requirements. - 02/21/1992
- 1904 - Longterm restrictions; geographic scope; work related injuries. - 02/09/1993
- 1904 - Lost work days and prearranged leave (i.e., pregnancy leave or surgery). - 11/13/1992
- 1904 - Medical questions on recordkeeping. - 09/02/1992
- 1904 - Medical treatment recording on OSHA 200 log. - 07/02/1992
- 1904 - Medical treatment vs First Aid; "to medical personnel" definition. - 09/15/1992
- 1904 - Multiple applications of a cold compress may be recordable. - 09/02/1997
- 1904 - Numerous injury and illness recordkeeping questions. - 06/26/2000
- 1904 - Occupational injury and illness data from worker's compensation carriers. - 01/12/1993
- 1904 - OSHA 200 log and hearing loss. - 12/16/1991
- 1904 - OSHA 200 Log and hearing loss. - 12/16/1991
- 1904 - OSHA 200 Log for work relationship and illness. - 12/19/1991
- 1904 - OSHA 200 Log recording CTDs. - 08/27/1991
- 1904 - OSHA definition of work environment. - 03/31/1992
- 1904 - OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping criteria. - 04/04/1995
- 1904 - OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Interpretation. - 06/04/1996
- 1904 - OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Interpretations. - 04/18/1996
- 1904 - OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping interpretations. - 04/18/1996
- 1904 - OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Interpretations. - 04/18/1996
- 1904 - OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping requirements. - 08/22/1995
- 1904 - OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping requirements. - 08/15/1995
- 1904 - OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Requirements. - 06/06/1995
- 1904 - OSHA recordability for dislocated joints. - 07/02/1992
- 1904 - OSHA recordkeeping requirements for Consolidated Rail Corporation. - 05/25/1983
- 1904 - Pencil entries and/or correction fluid on OSHA 200 Log are acceptable. - 02/25/1992
- 1904 - Posting requirements for non-fixed construction sites. - 08/25/1994
- 1904 - Pre-existing condition and/or specific event/exposure grey areas. - 04/24/1992
- 1904 - Preexisting conditions usually do not affect recordability. - 09/02/1997
- 1904 - Procedure for maintaining and retaining the OSHA Log. - 08/31/1993
- 1904 - Proper recording of a bloodborne pathogens case. - 01/31/1994
- 1904 - Proper recording of bloodborne pathogens case on the OSHA 200 log. - 09/08/1992
- 1904 - Proper recording of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) on the OSHA 200 log. - 05/24/1993
- 1904 - Proper recording of occupational exposures to bloodborne pathogens. - 05/27/1993
- 1904 - Proper recording of restricted work activity on the OSHA 200 Log. - 01/06/1994
- 1904 - Proper recording of second degree burns on the OSHA 200 Log. - 01/10/1994
- 1904 - Proper recording of work related burns on the OSHA 200 log. - 05/24/1993
- 1904 - Proper recording on the OSHA Log of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. - 08/31/1993
- 1904 - Questions (24) asking for clarification of recordkeeping. - 07/02/1992
- 1904 - Questions relating to occupational hearing loss. - 12/06/1991
- 1904 - Recordability of adverse reactions to prescribed medication. - 09/02/1997
- 1904 - Recordability of an injury which occurred to one of your employees. - 06/04/1996
- 1904 - Recordability of blood-PCB levels. - 06/30/1998
- 1904 - Recordability of bloodborne pathogenic exposure incidents. - 06/07/1993
- 1904 - Recordability of cases involving the use of a hand held massager. - 08/18/1993
- 1904 - Recordability of heavy metals in blood/urine. - 08/26/1998
- 1904 - Recordability of restriction of work; laceration recordability. - 02/05/1998
- 1904 - Recordability of Rossiter Workout treatment;heat or cold therapy recordability. - 12/03/1997
- 1904 - Recordability when prescription written for non-prescription medication. - 09/02/1997
- 1904 - Recording an injury during snowmobiling as work related. - 05/24/1993
- 1904 - Recording an occupational injury in the OSHA injury and illness records. - 06/04/1996
- 1904 - Recording audiogram test results on OSHA 200 Log. - 08/30/1991
- 1904 - Recording bloodborne related cases on the OSHA 200 Log. - 01/13/1994
- 1904 - Recording cases involving eye injuries on the OSHA Log. - 07/07/1995
- 1904 - Recording cases involving restricted work activity. - 06/21/1993
- 1904 - Recording cases on the OSHA log that involve Bloodborne Pathogens. - 04/01/1993
- 1904 - Recording Cumulative Trauma Disorders on the OSHA 200 Log. - 09/17/1991
- 1904 - Recording disputed injury and illness cases. - 06/21/1993
- 1904 - Recording eye injury cases on the OSHA Log 200. - 09/24/1992
- 1904 - Recording hearing loss on the OSHA 200 log. - 04/08/1994
- 1904 - Recording Hepatitis B and HIV occupational exposures. - 06/26/1992
- 1904 - Recording injuries and illnesses which occur at other employers' premises. - 09/11/1995
- 1904 - Recording lost workdays on the OSHA 200 Log. - 07/02/1992
- 1904 - Recording occupational asthma cases on the OSHA 200 Log. - 11/30/1994
- 1904 - Recording occupational exposure to Hepatitis B and HIV. - 09/24/1992
- 1904 - Recording occupational exposure to Hepatitis B and HIV. - 07/20/1992
- 1904 - Recording of a hearing injury. - 06/27/1994
- 1904 - Recording of an illness involving lost workdays. - 08/01/1994
- 1904 - Recording of bloodborne pathogen injuries on the OSHA 200 log. - 05/24/1993
- 1904 - Recording of cases involiving heat realted disorders. - 05/19/1994
- 1904 - Recording of hearing loss on the OSHA 200 Log. - 12/24/1991
- 1904 - Recording of injuries and illnesses which occur to temporary workers. - 06/04/1996
- 1904 - Recording of needlestick injuries on the OSHA 200 log. - 05/19/1994
- 1904 - Recording of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. - 10/17/1994
- 1904 - Recording protocol for work related cumulative trauma disorder cases. - 12/07/1994
- 1904 - Recording restricted work activity on the OSHA 200 Log. - 08/03/1993
- 1904 - Recording restricted work activity. - 06/14/1993
- 1904 - Recording restricted work activity. - 06/07/1993
- 1904 - Recording TB related cases on the OSHA 200 Log. - 02/15/1994
- 1904 - Recording TB related cases on the OSHA 200 log. - 03/25/1993
- 1904 - Recording use of expandable bandage and pinhead burns. - 02/18/1993
- 1904 - Recordkeeping for employees from a temporary employment agency. - 07/02/1992
- 1904 - Recordkeeping issues raised in the Spokane County Health District. - 10/18/1995
- 1904 - Recordkeeping requirements as applied to sheltered workshops. - 01/26/1993
- 1904 - Recordkeeping requirements for employees on interstate or international travel. - 06/24/1999
- 1904 - Recordkeeping Requirements in Relation to the Boy Scouts of America. - 06/04/1996
- 1904 - Recordkeeping requirements on hearing loss, burns, and falls. - 10/19/1992
- 1904 - Regulations pertaining to the application of butterfly bandages. - 05/21/1996
- 1904 - Removal of foreign bodies embedded in the eye is recordable. - 06/16/1997
- 1904 - Responsibility for recordkeeping when employees provided by leasing company. - 02/12/1992
- 1904 - Restricted work definitions. - 02/11/1994
- 1904 - Restricted work, prescription for pain, and strains: interpretations. - 02/06/1998
- 1904 - Retest of audiogram for hearing loss. - 04/08/1994
- 1904 - Several bloodborne pathogen issues. - 09/20/1993
- 1904 - Several injury and illness recordkeeping requirements. - 02/19/1997
- 1904 - Several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 10/17/1995
- 1904 - Several OSHA injury and Illness recordkeeping issues. - 06/20/1995
- 1904 - Several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 10/28/1993
- 1904 - Several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 06/21/1993
- 1904 - Several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 06/21/1993
- 1904 - Several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 06/21/1993
- 1904 - Several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 06/21/1993
- 1904 - Several OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping issues. - 06/18/1993
- 1904 - SIC's excluded from OSHA occupational injury and illness recordkeeping. - 06/19/1997
- 1904 - The concept of restricted work. - 10/28/1993
- 1904 - The coverage of the OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping requirements. - 02/12/1996
- 1904 - The Effect of the 1904 Rulemaking Effort on the De Minimis Citation Policy. - 05/15/1996
- 1904 - The location and maintenance of OSHA injury and illness records. - 09/11/1995
- 1904 - The OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping requirements. - 07/24/1996
- 1904 - The proper recording of cases involving restricted work activity. - 11/01/1996
- 1904 - The proper recording of hearing loss on the OSHA Form 200. - 05/19/1995
- 1904 - The proper recording of occupational sprains and strains. - 05/17/1995
- 1904 - The proper recording of several cases involving restricted work activity. - 12/22/1995
- 1904 - The proper recording of several cases. - 02/12/1996
- 1904 - The proper recording procedure for cases involving occupational hearing loss. - 06/12/1995
- 1904 - The recordability of a particular illness case on the OSHA No.200. - 02/12/1996
- 1904 - The Recordability of a particular injury case. - 12/22/1995
- 1904 - Use of Kinesiology tape is considered medical treatment beyond first-aid. - 12/12/2014
- 1904 - What is considered medical treatment. - 11/29/1993
- 1904 - When orthopedic devices constitute medical treatment for recordkeeping purposes. - 08/03/1993
- 1904 - Why certain retailers are exempt from injury and illness recordkeeping. - 04/24/1992
- 1904 - Work relationship of an injury occurring on the company premises. - 08/18/1993
- 1904 - Work relationship questions. - 10/13/1992
- 1904 - Work-related hearing loss. - 11/15/1991
- 1904 - Worker's Compensation Laws and the OSHA recordkeeping requirements. - 05/25/1994
- 1904 - Workers' compensation or insurance claims and recordkeeping requirements. - 04/24/1992